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Homeopathy for Plants: Agrohomeopathy

Agrohomeopathy is a branch of homeopathy where homeopathic medicines including nosodes are used by farmers and gardeners on sick plants and trees and on soil. It is an alternative to the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides in agriculture.

Anna Rue
Anna Rue

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Agrohomeopathy is a branch of homeopathy where homeopathic medicines including nosodes are used by farmers and gardeners on sick plants and trees and on soil. It is an alternative to the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides in agriculture.

A little bit of History​

Homeopathy for plants was first used by a great homeopathic stalwart Dr. Von Boenninghausen. He noted that the excess or leftover remedies he threw into his plant pots were having an effect on the plants.

It was Vaikunthanath Das Kaviraj, an experienced homeopath, who later popularised the use of homeopathy in gardens. He stumbled by accident upon the homeopathic treatment of plants when he was asked to treat a rust problem in apple trees. After thorough understanding of the disease, he prescribed Belladonna and to his surprise the plant healed and produced better. For Kaviraj, this was a turning point, and he worked a lot in this field until he published a pioneering book on homeopathy for plant diseases.

Real Life Case

My cat smashed a container of our monstera plant back in 2016 when I was away from home. When I got home after two days, I saw that the plant was withering and badly damaged. Since it had been with me for six years, I was devastated. Unwilling to lose up, I moved it to a larger container and sprayed the soil and leaves with the homoeopathic medicine Aconitum napellus 12C. To my amazement, the plant was doing well the next day. I began utilising homoeopathy in my garden on a daily basis after that day, and I was always in awe at the outcomes.

Benefits of Agrohomeopathy​​

  • Chemical-free, non- toxic
  • Improvement in soil quality
  • Reduction in fossil fuels consumption and pollution
  • Economic savings
  • Preservation of natural ecology
  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Makes plants resistant to disease and pests by strengthening them
  • Help increase the nutritional absorption of the plant making them stronger and making them produce truly nutritious food

Common Agrohomeopathic remedies

  • Aconite napellus – light rust
  • Belladonna – red-brown rust
  • Natrum sulphuricum – fungus, brown rot
  • Allium cepa – onion and carrot fly, weevils
  • Calendula – mechanical damage, repotting
  • Carbo vegetabilis – strengthening weak plants
  • Bombyx processionea – caterpillars
  • Bufo rana – pests
  • Bovista – spider mites
  • Camphora – ants
  • Coccinella septempunctata – aphids
  • Helix tosta – snails
  • Cuprum metallicum – mildew
  • Thuja occidentalis – leaf curl, scale insects, spider mites
  • Zincum metallicum – nematodes
  • Ocymum – to keep tomatoes healthy
  • Sambucus nigra – prevention of pests
  • Silicea terra – strengthening resistance, healthy soil, germination
  • Sulphur- increasing the harvest, its quality and overall health of the plants.
  • Natrum muriaticum and Magnesium phosphoricum- better crop quality and harvest.
  • Dulcamara- Effects of water logging, fungal diseases, rust, general problems with photosynthesis, such as discolorations and fungal leaf diseases, injuries.
  • Rhus tox- Premature fruit drop, problems with flowering, absence of pollination, rust and fungal diseases.
  • Actea racemose- Aphids, problems during flowering and fruit setting, premature fruitdrop, fruit fails to ripen.

My curiosity for agrohomeopathy prompted me to study it further, and during my time at the University of Cyberjaya in Malaysia, I oversaw my students’ work on the following research papers, which will be released shortly in peer reviewed journals:

1.The efficacy of homeopathic medicine, Silicea terra 6c, on the growth of Lactuca sativa var. L. using a hydroponic system.

2. Comparison of the effectiveness of homeopathic solutions Sulphur 6c and Silicea terra 6c on plant growth of Raphanus sativus L.

3. Effect of the homeopathic solution Sulphur 6c and 30c on the growth and productivity of Abelmoschus Esculentus L.: A placebo-controlled study.


  1. Esposito, S., Noviello, S., & Leone, S. (2016). Epidemiology and microbiology of skin and soft tissue infections. Current opinion in infectious diseases, 29(2), 109–115.
  2. Louise Hay. Heal your body, Hay House Inc.; 4th edition. 1984.
  3. William Boericke. Boericke’s New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica with Repertory. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers. 2008.

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